Starting Over Workshop

Turmoil, shock and adjustments inevitably follow divorce, separation or the loss of a significant relationship. Dealing with the loss after divorce, separation or the loss of a significant relationship can break your heart. The Starting Over Workshop encourages the brokenhearted to grow through loss rather than simply go through one of life’s most painful experiences.

The workshop is offered in a six week format or over a weekend. The workshop combines a relevant message along with small group interaction with trained facilitators. Participants walk away with practical life changing insight that can help them through the healing process.

Workshop Topics:

  • Week 1: Starting Over: Explores the myths about growth, healing and understanding your emotions.
  • Week 2: Understanding Your Identity: Examines “Who owns you?”
  • Week 3: Finding And Experiencing Forgiveness:Uncovers the need to forgive and to be forgiven.
  • Week 4: Letting Go Of The Past: Reveals how to cope with past relationships
  • Week 5: Thinking About New Relationships: Investigates loneliness, friendship and dating
  • Week 6: Assuming New Responsibilities: Imparts how to plan for yourself and your future.


Profile Picture of Tamara


"Starting Over gave me hope for the future and helped me heal from the past.​"
Profile Picture of Gary


"Starting Over helped me process my grief and showed me how to make better relationship choices now and in my future."
Profile Picture of Wade


"Starting Over gave me hope and direction at a time I was totally lost."
Profile Picture of Amy


"It was great to realize that many others are processing the same pain and struggles."


“Thousands have experienced hope and healing from the Starting Over Workshop. You can too. I highly recommend Mark’s proven resource for individuals, small groups, and churches.”
Ron L. Deal
Director, Blended Family Ministries, Family Life, President, Smart Stepfamilies and author of The Smart Stepfamily, Dating and the Single Parent

“When I was six years old, my father left my mother, me and three siblings. That was over forty years ago. To this day, I can still remember bits and pieces of the pain, questions and uncertainty that we, and especially my mother faced, for the days ahead. How do you begin again? Honestly, my mother didn’t know.

Countless people today, after coming through such an ordeal, don’t know the answer to that question. Fortunately, there is a way to begin again, and Starting Over provides the path. Thousands of men have discovered hope and deep healing by walking this path. You can too. It’s time to move forward, isn’t it?”

Wade Brown
Director, Rocky Mountain Director, PastorServe
“As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I see the pain and devastation that occurs in the lives of families as a result of divorce. Many times people find themselves feeling broken, flawed, and unusable. These individuals need to know that God is not done with them yet. He desires to redeem their pain and give them what they need to start again. Mark, and his “Starting Over” program offer this kind of hope and possibility to people.”
Dr. Barry Ham
Marriage and Family Therapist and author of God Understands Divorce and Unstuck.
“In a culture that downplays family and marriage, Mark has come in and provided a balm for those feeling the pain of brokenness – for adults and children alike, Starting Over is just the salve required.”
Don Pape
Vice President Trade Publishing, David C. Cook

“In our journeys as flawed men and women, we are presented — under the umbrella of God’s grace — with countless challenges to “start over” in the face of brokenness. And few arenas of brokenness are more painful or puzzling than splintered or shattered relationships, which can quickly paralyze people in a prison of numbness and even despair.

Through his “Starting Over” workshops, Mark Skalberg has done a masterful job of developing a tool in which people, standing on the threshold of decision regarding whether they will try to start over after a painful relationship, can taste both the grace and truth of God.

Healing, hope and a renewed sense of redeemed purpose have been the result for thousands of people over the years who have gone through the workshop. It’s a resource I’ve seen God use significantly and I’m grateful more and more people are experiencing it.”

Matt Heard
Lead Pastor for Northland Church, Orlando, Florida and the Founder and Principal of THRIVE

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