Are You In Need of Gratitude?

Are you grateful?Gratitude helps us to appreciate things that we might otherwise take for granted and can increase our contentment.

Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” Charles Dickens

Research has shown that gratitude provides many positive health benefits like lower levels of stress and better sleep. Have you noticed that grateful people are more enjoyable to be around?

Research also suggests that gratitude leads to an increased sense of self-worth. The apostle Paul wrote, “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.” Titus 3:4-5

As recipients of God’s kindness, we know that we are of high value to God and as a result we are likely to feel more loved and cared for and more likely to reciprocate our own acts of generosity. God granted us mercy despite our undeserving nature and because of this and His great sacrifice for us we can come to the realization we are of incredible worth in His eyes.

As a result we want to give thanks to God, “Give thanks to the lord, for He is good! His mercy endures forever,”Psalm 136:1 and to others, “We give thanks to God always for you.” I Thessalonians 1:2

Gratitude makes you a better person, not just in the sense of doing nice things for other people, but it comes with joy. When I’m grateful life feels more like a gift and I feel more engaged with the little things around me.

Thankfulness provides a needed balance to our irritation, anger, and frustration and less negative physical symptoms. Did you know there is lower occurrence of depression among grateful people?

People are not inherently grateful.  We were not born grateful, although some have had better role models than others growing up. Gratitude is learned and it takes time to develop. Practice gratitude.

Some of us need to consider having a gratitude journal recording the simple things that might otherwise be overlooked, like enjoying the warm rays of the sun or a cup of coffee with a good friend. Do the things that can help develop a positive lens on life. Count your blessings rather than your burdens.

The more we express gratitude the more natural it becomes. You can change someone’s life with a sincere thank you! Don’t put it off, do it today. 

“Affirming and embracing the good in life seems to be the simple and natural outcome of living gratefully, especially when we stop to consider what God has done us.” Tiffany Musik Matthews

Through the cross we find the ultimate demonstration of love—and a very humbling reason to give thanks to the Creator. When we fully grasp our tremendous worth to God we can better appreciate His sovereignty and care for us in the midst of the storms of life. We become deeply grateful to God for His indescribable love. Are you?

Thinking about gratitude is great, but even better if it causes you to act because of it. Now, go out and show it to others for His sake.

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