The Best Decisions in Life

If you want to know how to make the best decisions in life consider…  

Stop waiting for an outburst of passion
Many people have the illusion that there is some passion out there just for them that will lead to their promised land. If they discover their passion then every day of their life would be filled with exhilarating emotion and effortless motivation. Don’t wait for passion to lead you some where you’re not. Start by bringing passion to the place where you are now.

Ask wise people to help you
If you need to make a difficult decision don’t try to obtain it all by yourself. Get around wise people whose character you trust, who love you and who care about your welfare. Bounce things off of them. Often we see God’s direction better through the rear-view mirror than the windshield with the help of wise counsel.

On our own we can miss open doors. We can seek out information that confirms what we already want rather than looking for the real truth, “Should I buy that or not?” But rather, we could say, “What’s the best way I can use this money.”

Learn by experiment and your failings
Does God ever have guidance for a particular decision? Yes.  Does God give guidance for every decision? No. Sometimes God’s guidance is not so much about what he wants to do through me as what he wants to do in me. Discerning open doors is never the same as guaranteed success.

Having second thoughts about going through a door is not unusual
. You might have buyer’s remorse about a choice you made, but there is a better way to go through the door and that is with all your heart. The way to go through one of God’s open doors is with all your heart.  That means that sacrifices are involved – choosing one thing means not using another.

The ultimate door
Wisdom is wonderful. Wisdom makes for better relationships, better workers, better citizens and better parents. But wise people still get cancer, wise people get betrayed and wise people die. Wisdom in the Bible reveals that there are limits to wise human decisions.

All that the Apostles loved and prized and cherished about wisdom they found in Jesus. Wisdom loved and suffered on the cross. Wisdom died and wisdom was raised to life again .Wisdom is far more than common sense and practical advice. Wisdom is alive today and can walk with you through the doors you face. The ultimate door is a person!

“I am the door: by me if any man enters in, he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture.”       John 10:9

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