Facing Your Giant

goliath 3As we saw in our last blog we can overcome our Goliaths by how we respond to the challenges of opposition and everyday choices. Thirdly, it’s the…

The challenge of resisting conformity
King Saul told David, “You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a boy, and he has been a fighting man from his youth.” Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them.“I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So he took them off. I Samuel 17:38-39

Saul’s armor didn’t fit David; it was like Andy DeVito in Shaquille O’Neal clothes. It looked ridiculous. Saul assumed that what worked for him would for David. Maybe someone has tried to put their armor on you too or you have tried to put your armor on someone else?  David received no help from the King or his family.

There are times we face our Goliath alone. At the end of the day you got to choose who you will battle.  You can read all the books on a particular subject and listen to all the experts. You may want someone to choose your armor for you and make the decisions for you.  It doesn’t work that way.  No pastor, teacher, boss or mentor can choose your armor for you!  Your passion, gifts, time and possibilities are yours.

The challenge of the crisis moment   I Sam. 17:41-50
Everybody is watching this scene in the ravine! It’s reality TV. Verse 47 sums up all of our four challenges.  What are you facing today? It’s nothing the lord can’t handle. Imagine the shock of Goliath?  This was nothing but God! Have you been successful in fighting your battles on your own?

God can strengthen our faith in the midst of fear and doubt. Goliath wasn’t ready and in fact he never saw it coming. He didn’t get it until it finally sunk in. Nothing like this ever entered his head.

We all face fear and anxiety.  What Jehovah did for David he can do for you!  Whatever the giant you face God will meet with you there!  Fear is can actually enable us to overcome. Courage is having the right amount of fear directed to the right object for the right reason.  Do you fear your future? I suspect there’s a bigger fear in many of us, a much deeper fear. That is, does God really care about me? Do I really matter to him?

When push comes to shove maybe you think someone is more worthy of God’s love than me? If I believe that circumstances or people will ultimately dictate my life rather than God’s love and grace I won’t overcome the giants in my life.  Your Goliaths will intimidate you and convince you to cower and run, but if you runaway day after day you’ll die a little each day and lose heart.  Life is way too precious to go down that road!

When you face Goliath with the stone of faith Goliath doesn’t stand a chance. One stone of God is stronger than anything else thrown at you. Don’t trust in your strategy, ingenuity or in your power. The battle is the Lord’s. This was not about David skills, strategy, but about God and how He operates. He is glorified when we’re weak.

There is no need to be eloquent, brilliant and good looking when we place our trust in God. Will you trust in your own strategy or trust in God? I don’t know how big your Goliath is, but it is not bigger than God. Don’t try to control your Goliath either, but surrender to God. If you commit yourself to believing in God’s grace and His ability to overcome your Goliath you’ll be glad you did.


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