A Better View of Your Heavenly Father

God cares1We can be grateful if we’ve been fortunate enough to have had Dads that left a positive and memorable impact in our lives. But, unfortunately, that isn’t true for all of us. Some Dads were physically or emotionally absent or maybe married to their jobs. They didn’t affirm us as they could have or perhaps never said, ‘I love you.’We’ve heard this before.

Today in 41% of U.S. homes fathers are not living with their family. Additionally, 66% of all kids in America will live with only one biological parent by age 16. You’ve probably heard that there is a connection between our earthly fathers and our perception of God.

Although our concept of God may have been distorted by our relationship with our fathers it doesn’t need to define our view of God.
We have a choice between believing what God has said about Himself or allow our own experiences to determine that for us. Regardless of where and how our view of God was developed God is able to reveal Himself to you and me accurately. Jesus referred to His father over 100 times in the Gospel of John.

Jesus loved to talk about his father, his favorite subject. But the religious of Jesus’s day were like many today confused about the fatherhood of God. God is not merely like a father, He is a Father.

The greatest need for everyone regardless of their parentage is to know the Father.
The prophet Jeremiah said, “Let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me,” ‘Understanding’ is to have correct insight into the nature of a thing. The word ‘know’ is the Hebrew word yada, which is ‘to know intimately.’

When we understand God’s heart and posture towards us it helps us understand not only who He is, but ourselves as well. It helps us to accurately interpret our world and experience true lasting significance and security, preventing a whole lot of wasted religiosity.  Here are a few truths about life’s greatest pursuit – Knowing God.

Your Divine Dad is personal – Hebrews 4:15
He is not a force, a concept or doctrine or a distant monarch. He is not unmoved by our suffering and pain. There was a father and three year old daughter who were grieving the loss of their wife and mom who was killed in a traffic accident. It seemed that all happiness had gone out of their lives and the night after the funeral the father was putting his baby girl to bed when all the lights went out in the house.

The dad decided to go into the basement to investigate and said to his daughter. I’ll be right back dear, lie still and I’ll be right back.” She was frightened at the thought of being left alone and begged him to take her with him. He wrapped her in his arms and made his way through the darkened hallway and went down the dark stairwell.

In the basement the little girl hugged his neck tightly and said, “It’s really dark daddy, but I’m not afraid because you’re my daddy.” The dad buried his face in his daughters’ hair and began to weep and said, “I’m not afraid either because my father is with me to.” So even in the midst of the sadness and sorrow the thought of Gods’ loving watch care over them brought light and hope to their darkness.  Hebrews 4:16; I John 5:14

He listens to you.
 Psalm 91:14-15; Mark 5:33 
One day while working in my home office my daughter wanted to talk to me and I told her I was busy studying, but that I was really listening. She put her two little hands around my face and said, “No Daddy, listen to me with your face.” Thankfully, God the Father listens to you with His full attention.

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