Be the Best When Life Is At Its Worst

tom sutherlandThings happen to all of us that we don’t plan on or would ever expect. When we’ve been in a place of disillusionment and isolation over a long period we can nurse our dismay and we can grow bitter. Not so with Tom Sutherland.

In 1983 Tom Sutherland, a professor at Colorado State university accepted the position of Dean of Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science at the American University of Beirut. On June 9, 1985 Tom was kidnapped by gunmen from the Islamic Jihad, an off shoot of Hezbollah, The Party of God. That day was the beginning of nearly
6½ years of Tom’s Captivity – the second longest of any western hostage in Lebanon.

I had the opportunity to interview Tom and his wife Jean over the radio talking about their book ‘At Your Own Risk –An American Chronicle of Crisis and Captivity in the Middle East.’  While blindfolded Tom was constantly moved from one house to another to various locations throughout Lebanon. He would go for months without seeing the sun and at times would go for weeks without speaking to anyone. He became frail and unhealthy and wondered if he would ever be released, let alone survive.

Several months would pass by with no information from his captors about his possible negotiated release or prisoner exchange. Over the years he could talk and joke with his other fellow hostages Terry Waite, an official in the Church of England and journalist Terry Anderson who were both eventually released.

‘At Your Own Risk’ is the passionate story of Tom and his wife Jean’s remarkable experience in Lebanon before, during and after the hostage years.  Jean stayed in Beirut working and pleading with the State Dept. and anyone who would listen for Tom’s release for over 6½ years. Their inspiring and courageous story of never giving up hope and Tom’s extraordinary release and eventual return to Lebanon is absolutely amazing.

At the end of my interview I asked Tom how he felt towards his captors over the years.
Tom’s response, “If I had not forgiven my captors they would have won and I would have died. I had to accept my lot.”
               Now choose life, so that you and your loved ones may live. Deuteronomy  30:19

There is something to be learned from the Sutherlands don’t you think? Like Tom and Jean you can get very weary of waiting and deeply discouraged. It is then when you can choose to accept your circumstances and develop a faith worth having. When you allow God to do that in you, you can be at your best when life is at its worst. It is possible with God’s help. In His abundant mercy God will never leave or forsake you.


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