God’s Real Makeover

makeoverExtreme Makeover was one of America’s number one reality shows. The team of plastic surgeons stylists, coaches and cosmetic dentists would trim, inject, dye, nip and tuck to transform a person’s appearance and maybe their futures.

People tuned in to see the ‘before and after’ results. A kind of hope came with it. Yet did it? The show scratched the surface with what many struggle with; I want to be different than I am. I want to look better than I do right now. So, in order to be that kind of better we take care of the outside stuff. People would notice if Woody Allen transformed into a Pierce Brosnan?

People change the outside to feel better. We might say, Oh I wouldn’t do that, but what do we do to feel better? We shop, drink, drown ourselves with TV, eat or work or go online too much. You can fill in the blank. Feeling less than I can indulge myself and eat a gallon of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream in my pursuit of feeling better.

Outward makeovers or feel betters provide immediate gratification, but offer no long term satisfaction, but empty unrealistic expectation and baseless hope. One participant sued Extreme Makeover because she never received her surgeries to make her beautiful. The woman was caught on camera leaving the court room crying uncontrollably saying, “They were supposed to make pretty and now I’m going home ugly.”

In her day millions of women wanted to look like Marilyn Monroe, but she freely admitted she was lonely and deeply depressed. Even with all the possible outward changes we pursue we all are still left with ourselves to live with.

As a pastor for many years I’ve seen the devastating outcomes of those who have pursued the empty trivial pursuits and investments of outward makeovers. But there is good news for you and me.

You can be attractive without having to look good!
How? By getting God’s perspective on what attractive looks like. When we get that it not only changes the way we live, but it can point people to God. God can give you His real makeover if you let Him.
If are you ready read our next blog.

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