Where’s The Good News of Christmas?

newsSome people’s Christmas is like the movie Ground Hog Day where an egocentric TV weatherman Phil (Bill Murray) is assigned to cover the festivities of Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Due to an unexpected snowstorm, Phil must spend an extra night in this little town.

When Phil awakens the next morning and discovers it is still February 2nd. Soon he realizes he is stuck in a 24-hour loop of Groundhog Days. No matter what he does, he wakes up every morning as if nothing had happened the day before.

I wonder how many people’s Christmases are like Bill Murray ‘s next morning, it’s as if nothing had happened the day before, just another same o’ –same o’ Christmas. Put up the obligatory tree and lights. Been there, done that. Have we unintentionally been distracted with all the trappings and busyness of the season that the ‘good news’ of Christmas has been drowned out by louder voices of lesser things.

The ‘good news’ has been diluted and hijacked by merchants and marketers. Much of the world has taken Jesus out of Christmas by Santa, jingle bells and the media. It seems like He’s missing in the news, He’s kind of glossed over in many of the programs, Christmas songs, nice sayings, decorations and debt.

In a world that has more than enough of trouble, there is ‘good news,’ that today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11. This is the greatest news the world could ever hear in a world of bad news! As Luke says this good news is for the ‘all the people.’ You see God intended it for all, but it only makes sense and is only accessible for those who realize they need this good news.

images[5]God got the attention of the shepherds who were blown away when the night’s sky lit up when the ‘glory of the Lord shone around them.’ This amazing good news was proclaimed in such an unforgettable, breathtaking and dramatic way it completely blew the shepherd’s minds. Are you ready to be interrupted in your daily routine? Will your heart’s posture recognize a God interruption during this busy Christmas season? God has a way of getting our attention. What does it take for God to get your attention? Is it a broken heart or dream or the absence of a family?

Why did God show His glory to the shepherds? How did they rate? Because they did with God, He chose them. It had nothing to do with who they were. The shepherds were the bottom rung of Jesus’ day; they were those you didn’t want your daughter to marry. They had no position or reputation and didn’t even own the sheep. Don’t you love it? God came to those who others sized up as insignificant, but not to God! We are the shepherds.

Notice that part of the angels’ song was, “on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.” Oh, how desperately we need peace in our world, but peace begins in the human heart. Even as Jesus told His disciples, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

The peace of God comes only to those ‘on whom His favor rests.’ God’s favor, His extravagant undeserved grace comes to those who are ready to receive it and allow it to change their lives.

When the Christ that was born in the manger is born in our hearts only then can we truly experience His satisfying peace and favor. Take the Christ out of the manger and allow Him to take up His rightful place in your heart. When you do He’ll wrap His arms around you and let you know how much he loves YOU! Now, go out and share the ‘good news’ to a world that really needs it!

May Christ be enough for you!






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