Is God Unreasonable?

myth1The way we interpret the things that happen to us can determine whether we become better or bitter. The interpretations of our experiences become our assumptions about our present and our future, but are those assumptions true or are they myths? What kind of myths do we have about God?

The way we see God impacts the way we see ourselves. Do you see yourself as a beautiful unique creation designed by God or a product of lucky mud? If you have a warped view of God you just might have a distorted view of yourself. False assumptions about God not only impact you, but those around you. Myths about God can drive us crazy.

The various answers to what is God like have provoked countless philosophies and diverse religious thought with tragic circumstances. From the crusades to modern day Islamic terrorism assumptions about God are all over the map.

The Apostle Paul warned believers that, “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:8

Jesus exposed myths and stereotypes about God. He wanted others to know that His father was not a distant, uncaring, disengaged God, but a personal God who desires a relationship with His creation. When we have false beliefs about God it messes us up. When someone says, ‘I don’t believe in God’ what they’re really saying is ‘this is the kind of God I don’t believe in.’ There are four very common myths about God.  

Myth #1 – God Is Unreasonable
Millions believe that God is a killjoy with too many demands and unreasonable requirements. That He wants me to be good and boring. That he waits for me to have fun and then says, ‘no, no.’ This first myth was what the devil used on Adam and Eve.

Originally, God told them to enjoy paradise with all its’ pleasure and delight. Eat everything, but there’s just one thing I don’t want you to do. And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.”  Genesis 2:16-17

Notice that God didn’t say you can’t enjoy what you see and that 95% of the garden is prohibited, but there is just one thing. There are 99 things you can do, but not this one thing. Is that one restriction unreasonable? Why this one prohibition? God wanted man to choose to love Him willingly, not because there was no other choice.

Now the serpent was craftier than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Genesis 3:1

Satan perverts the truth into a lie making it appear that God is unreasonable, a sadist. Is it unreasonable for a parent to tell their teenager as they hand them the keys to the car, “have a good time, but be home by midnight.”? But we hear,“you never let me have a good time.” The parent didn’t say you can’t have a good time and that the whole world is off limits, no, just be home at midnight. Many teenagers think it’s unfair to have restrictions. Why do we? It’s because we love them.

Truth – God is a compassionate Father
As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him. Ps.103:13 Exodus 34:6-7; Psalm 145:9; Lamentations 3:22

God is motivated by love. He wants us to enjoy all the things he has given us, just don’t misuse or abuse them because you’ll get hurt and probably hurt someone else.

No good thing will he withhold from those who walk along his paths…Put your hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment
. Psalm 84:11: I Timothy 6:17

Things would be a whole lot better if we did things God’s way. When God says no to us it’s not because He wants us miserable, but because He loves us. Satan deceives us into thinking that obeying God and having fun are opposites. God doesn’t know best, we do, so go with it.

We like to give gifts to those we love. In contrast, God’s gifts to His kids are always motivated from love and concern knowing what we truly need. For every no there are a thousand yeses! Hopefully we do not see God as a God of prohibitions, but a God of blessings. God is not unreasonable, but is a compassionate Father. Father knows best.


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