Those That Matter to You

Oscar Schindler had a list. The apostle Paul had a list and God has a list.

God’s List   Jer. 1:5; Ps. 139:13,15,18
In the 2010 Haiti earthquake Dan Woolley was trapped for sixty-five underneath the rubble of the Hotel Montana. (See the 3 minute YouTube here.) Reporters focused on how he used his IPhone to survive and his injuries to his head and leg and pictures of the bloody journal where he wrote notes for his wife and sons. But the reporters missed the real story in the book Unshaken.

wooley listIn the interview on the Today Show Dan said, “I always wanted to survive, but I knew that was something that I couldn’t control. So I decided if I had to go, I wanted leave some last notes for them,” fighting his emotions, Dan read an entry he addressed to his sons. Josh, 6, and Nathan, 3:

I was in a big accident. Don’t be upset at God. He a He always provides for his children, even in hard times. I’m still praying God will get me out, but He may not. But He will always take care of you.” Boy, I cried,” he admitted. “Obviously, no one wants to come to that point. I also didn’t want to just get found after  having some time — God gave me some time — to think and to pray  to come to grips with the reality. I wanted to use that time to do everything I could for my family. If that could be surviving, get out then I would. If it would be just to be to leave some notes that would help them in life, I would do that.”

The many lives that ended in Haiti were unknown us, but not to those who knew them. Unfortunately, there are countless people who think they are not important to anyone and don’t appear on any list either, that they simply don’t matter. They feel that they’re no longer needed, useful or even wanted.  If that be you, you’d be wrong.

When you trust Christ as Lord your name is written down on another list, the Lamb’s Book of Life (Rev. 21:27). When you trust Christ He will never forget or forsake you. He intimately knows your story, your hard work, your joys and every tear you’ve shed. You are graven into palms of his hands. You are on His list! You are the apple of His eye. If God had a wallet your picture would be in it. Paul had his list, God has His. What about you, who is on your list?

Your List

Who has helped you in life? Who you are grateful? Why not tell them how now much they matter to you and when you do they’ll appreciate it. Don’t save the kind words for the eulogy, say them now. When people get that they matter to us it can change their life, a family, restore a relationship. It can make a difference no matter how little you think you contribute. Like Jonny the bagger

As we can see from the people Johnny reached out to – every life needs a cheering section, every life needs a shoulder to lean, every life needs a prayer. Every life needs to hear, “Don’t give up,” every life needs to hear, “I love you!”

That’s what the church is supposed look like.

What about your list? Who are you grateful for? Write a name down and another. Keep that list. Next time you move take it with you and when your life has ended take the list to heaven’s gate with you and perhaps this conversation might take place.

Peter will see that list in your hand and say, you came into this life with nothing and you’re going out with nothing. So, what’s that in your hand? Well, it’s a list of names of some folks who helped me in life, if it wasn’t for them I don’t know if I would have made it here it to stand before you.

Peter then asks, let me see that list. You give it to him. He smiles. I know all of these people on this list. They’re waiting for you. I just passed them on my way to meet you here. They’re putting up a big sign over the street for you that says, WELCOME HOME!!



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