Is It Better To Be Married or Single?

marraigeOver the years I have been asked countless times by hundreds of people a few common questions that have spun around God’s perspective on singleness. Questions like:

What does it mean when God told Adam, “It is not good for man to be alone”? Or is it God’s will for everyone to me married?


Is there a perfect mate for me or is God a divine matchmaker?

Is singleness a spiritual gift for some?

Is marriage valued more than singleness in God’s perspective?

Unfortunately, for millions of Christ-followers around the world the answers to these questions have not adequately addressed. The answers have not been typically addressed from the pulpit or have not been adequately answered from a biblical perspective. The result of this has left a lot of myths dangling out there about singleness within churches and Christ followers.

2 pathsIn the 70s and early 80s the church saw the moral decline of our culture and wanted to protect the American family at almost any cost. A worthy cause to be sure, but in that process some churches unintentionally got to the point of almost canonizing or idolizing marriage. As the Apostle Paul admonished the Romans, “What says the scripture?” What does the Bible actually say about marriage and singleness? How does church history play into this?

When it comes to dating and mate selection, the best our culture has to offer is simply ‘good luck.’ Fortunately, God has more to say than just good luck to you and I. The result of this general malaise of confusion has been huge contributing part of the mass sea of broken relationships. In response, over the years I have given several messages on the subject of single adults in America, one of which was called the ‘The Truth About Singleness.’

rainbowWhile that message is not the definitive or last word on singleness from a biblical perspective it does address those myths I mentioned above. That message was recorded live at Woodmen Valley Chapel. I believe you will find it helpful so please share it with a friend. To listen click here. Please share your comments below.




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