You Are His Work of Art

How God Sees You imageo dei
It is very unfortunate that we spend so much time on how others see us, but spend so little time in understanding how God sees us. There is a definite difference. Many think God has forgotten them or He is unaware of their situation.

Knowing how God sees us can greatly change our lives.  It would do us well to be reminded and fully grasp how God sees you and me. God reminded His people in the midst of their disappointment that He had not forgotten them. Why do you complain, Jacob? Why do you say, Israel, “My way is hidden from the Lord; my cause is disregarded by my God”? Isaiah 40:27

God reminds them of His concern and care for His creation:
“What is mankind that you make so much of them, that you give them so much attention?” Job 7:17

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?   Psalm 8:3-4

Jesus revealed more of the Father’s care for His creation:
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matt. 6:26

images (2)You Are His Work of Art
When we experience His extravagant and truly amazing grace then we can grasp what Paul says in Ephesians 2:10,”we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do.” The word ‘workmanship’ comes from the Greek word ‘poiema.’ We get our English word ‘poem’ from this word. It has the idea of ‘a thing that is in process of being made. Some have translated the word ‘masterpiece’ – in other words a work of art. 

This verse is saying you are God’s masterpiece. You’re His work of art. You might not feel it, but He’s created you and me in the ‘imago dei’- in God’s image. Being created in His image we can mirror or reflect God in some way. There is something about us that reminds others of God.
The good news is that God is not done with His work of art in you and me!

Unfortunately too many of us have missed the beauty of this truth along the way.
In the year 1506, the famous Italian Renaissance Michelangelo was commissioned by Pope Julius the Second to the paint the Pope’s private chapel, the Sistine Chapel. From 1508 through 1512 Michelangelo worked on 65 ft. scaffolding what would eventually become the greatest work of art in the Western world. When it was revealed, the world was inspired. Over the years a number of restorations have been attempted with the most recent in 1980 -1989. It took twice as long as it took Michelangelo to paint it.

This most recent restoration had a profound effect on art lovers and historians, as the centuries of built up soot from candle wax and city grime that covered the frescoes was removed sistenethe colors were absolutely breathtakingly as colors and details that had not been seen for centuries were revealed (see left).

Many art historians and critics claimed that as a result, “Every book on Michelangelo will have to be rewritten, not only was he master of form, but of color!” For the people who been looking at the ceiling all their lives now saw it differently.

Oh, that God would help us to see something that we’ve been in close proximity to and that now we see it in a new light and just how transforming His amazing grace really is. It changes things! God is still at work in our lives to craft us into His beautiful masterpiece, to make us the kind of people He wants us to be.

When we give the master artist our paintbrush to let Him finish His divine work of grace in our lives then others will see the colors of His grace. Now, will you give Him your paintbrush?

With Grace,




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