Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

A New Self Perception
mirrorSome of us are just too big on ourselves. Like the queen in Snow White who daily asked, “mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?” The mirror responds:“My Queen, you are the fairest in all the land.” The Queen was always pleased with that, because the magic mirror never lied.

But, when Snow White reached the age of seven, she becomes as beautiful as the day and even more beautiful than the Queen and when the Queen asks her mirror again it responds: “My Queen, you are the fairest here so true. But Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than you.

This blows the queen away and she become angry with envy and from that hour her heart turns against Snow White, and with every following day she hates Snow White more and more. Some of us can learn much from the queen.

Envy and jealousy causes so much unnecessary crash and burn. It has been said that comparison is the root of all inferiority. The Apostle Paul responded to those who said he was inferior to them,
Oh, don’t worry; we wouldn’t dare say that we are as wonderful as these other men who tell you how important they are! But they are only comparing themselves with each other, using themselves as the standard of measurement. How ignorant!” 2 Corinthians 10:12

We’re bombarded daily with messages that we need to be more attractive, more wealthy, more…
beautyGet this, you’re not in competition with anyone else in the world, unless you want to be.

In contrast some have deflated view of themselves.
Many have been hurt and mistreated and have some painful and tearful pages to their story along the way. Their sorrows have turned their heart to frost. Maybe you have been used, abused, not appreciated and you feel like a no count. Perhaps the enemy has convinced you you’re not so special, that you don’t matter, that your story can’t be redeemed.

You might think that your days or years have been wasted, littered with disappointment or decorated with trivial pursuits of your past. Yet, Peter tells us, “For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.1 Peter 1:18-19

Your life does not have to stay the same. Take a giant step and learn to live, laugh and love gain! Your future can be better than your past

actual mirrorIs your view of yourself accurate? The way you see yourself impacts your daily disposition. It’s reflected in the things you do, buy and the decisions you make. If you think you don’t matter it will impact all of your  relationships?

If you’re preoccupied with your own trauma and drama you might not realize it, but you’ll have a tendency not to care about others as much as you could because you’re so caught up with your own pain. If so, you need a teacher like the one described in the Whisper Book.

A little girl who was born with a cleft palette was constantly asked at school, “What happened to your lip?” rather than say she was born that way her embarrassed response was, “I broke it on some glass,” One day her class had a whisper test which was the way schools tested kid’s hearing many years ago. The student would stand in the back of the room and the teacher would whisper something from the front of the room and the child would repeat the phrase like – “the sky is blue or I see you have red shoes.”

Years later the little girl recalled, “I’ll never forget the seven words that my teacher whispered that day that changed my life forever when she said, I wish you were my little girl!”

We want so much for someone to say something like that to us don’t we? Well, God does. He can melt your heart again so you can really love. Love that can change things.
We all need to hear words like that from God Himself. God whispers to you and I and says you are my little girl or boy, you are MINE! Don’t you know I love you? I stretched out my arms and showed you.

To read the previous blog from this series click here. Join us next time for the second life changing truth that can bring lasting freedom to your life.




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