Children and Divorce Part 1

Our mission at Recovery after Divorce is to provide hope, healing and life after the loss of a significant relationship. One of our goals is to provide the best possible resources for parents who care about their kids and how they can best help their kids in the process of family break up.

In our Starting Over Workshops for Kids one of the biggest areas we continually address is how divorce impacts children of all ages. We provide understanding and practical tools parents can use for their children.

Some of the most common questions and concerns we hear are:
What parents need to know and do for their kids during the divorce or break up process?

What parents need to know about what their kids are going through?

What parents need to tell their kids during and after their family break up?
What kids need to hear from both their parents?
What parents should consider when they begin dating after divorce?
How to find balance in juggling all your responsibilities and do the best you can in parenting your kids?
We want to equip you and those you know who need the answers to these concerns. In an effort to fulfill that mission we will provide videos on, channel called Afterdivorce1 video blogs and interviews on our web site at Recovery After Divorce.
Our next upcoming video blogs will be short brief interviews with Gary Sprague, Founder and President of the Center for Single Parent Family Ministry for the last 22 years. Gary is also the author of My Parents Got a Divorce, Kid’s Hope for Children, and Kid’s Hope for Teen. Here is our first question.

What single parents need to know who are going through a divorce?

Stay tuned for our next question:
After the divorce is final what is the number one thing a parent should know in relationship to their kids?
Please forward this and upcoming interviews to those you care about and could benefit from our web site resource Recovery After Divorce.

If you or someone you know is struggling through the loss of a relationship and NEED HELP NOW you purchase the Starting Over DVDs or CDs from our store that can help you now ! You can receive personal support one-on-one by clicking here. Your comments are welcome below.

With Hope,

Mark Skalberg

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